Friday, 18 November 2016

Plans for the weekend

Now the week is over...

Without seeing a cock....

This has got me thinking 'Obama'

Well, the fucker's out soon.

I saw this and thought of me

Nature is such an artist

If riots break out post Brexit / US election

Because fuck it

I don't usually go for the death penalty but ...

Wonder if Gal Gadot can give a super handjob?

Peaceful chilled cows

I've dated a few like that...

Fuxk politics

Mad as fuck! I like it!

Have a faceful of hot titties

Move over Robert Johnson

Jeremy Clarkson's new series off to flying start

Food therapy

#suicide awareness


Really vital. You must be alive to be ERM healthy

Remember how delicate people are

Also, you can't do things which are bad for you if you're dead and I've always found that one of the best things about living

So if you feel suicidal do something that makes you feel good

Also, drinking yourself to death is something of a challenge

I have a wretched hangover and am way too delicate to stat boozing again

Oh the pain *flounces*

Another week is over

Another day when the worst hasn't happened

Has the worst happened and I missed it?
Have you been violently atomised recently?
Leave me a comment.

I always liked Clint

*coughs* BLOWJOB!

Because so many can kiss my arse

Thursday, 17 November 2016

The making of a happy life....

Just met my dealer for the weed I need, to go with my warm home and my evening. The new beer supply is chilling in the fridge with the rest of the old. My onion rings are perfect and I have a load of shitty action movies to watch, including the wonderful Mullet Cop 54.

Now if one of you wonderful people could email me a blow job life would be complete.

Ah this strange world ....

In a world of stupid motherfuckers, real people will always stand out. Just keep your head out of your arse, folks!